MVOX electronic Conference Phone MV900 User Manual

User Manual  
1. Introduction  
Thank you for purchasing the mVox MV900 Bluetooth speakerphone.The MV900  
is a true hands-free speakerphone with built-in DSP voice processing technology,  
user independent voice dialing, and Bluetooth connectivity.The DSP-enabled  
echo cancellation and noise suppression allowing natural and smooth full-  
duplex conversations, whether you’re driving under noisy highway conditions,  
engaging in a conference call through Voice over IP (VoIP), or just sitting in  
front of your computer chatting on Instant Messenger (IM). An earpiece is  
also included for private conversations. Get ready to experience the best  
in hands-free communication!  
2. Function Modes and Compatibility  
The MV900 can operate in 3 modes:  
• As a Bluetooth speakerphone when it has been paired with a  
Bluetooth Cell phone  
• As a USB speakerphone when plugged into an Internet-ready computer with  
Instant Messenger or Voice over IP software  
• As a speakerphone for desktop phones when used with an optional adapter  
The MV900 is designed to work with any Bluetooth Cell phone and any  
Instant Messenger or Voice over IP software.  
Talk button,  
white LED  
mute switch  
mode jack  
On/Off Switch  
Earpiece jack  
Charging indicator  
Mini USB-B jack  
Power Jack 5.0V DC  
3. Charging  
To charge the MV900, use the included AC adapter or connect to a USB port on  
a computer.While the MV900 is charging, the charging indicator will show red.  
The indicator will turn green when the MV900 is fully charged.  
Note: A bus-powered USB hub cannot supply enough current for charging.We recommend  
plugging the MV900 directly into the computer’s USB port or using a self-powered USB hub.  
A self-powered USB hub has its own power supply via an AC adapter, while a bus-powered USB  
hub draws its power through the USB bus, without an AC adapter.  
4. Turning on the MV900  
To turn on the MV900, slide the On/Off Switch to the On position.When the  
MV900 is powered on, the white LED around the Talk Button will turn on and flash.  
5. Basic operations  
• Volume up: Press up on the volume switch  
• Volume down: Press down on the volume switch  
• Mute Microphone: Press in the volume switch (red LED lights up to  
indicate that the microphone is muted)  
6. Headset mode (Privacy mode)  
The MV900 includes an earpiece for private conversations.  
Plug in the earpiece to the 2.5mm jack on the side of MV900.  
7. Using as a USB Speakerphone  
To use the MV900 as a USB speakerphone for conference calls and to chat through  
IM and VoIP applications, plug the MV900 into a USB port on the computer  
(with the included USB cable). After connecting to the USB port, you can use  
the computer’s volume control panel to access volume up, volume down,  
and the mute controls. Users can adjust speaker and microphone volume settings  
in the Adjust Audio Properties menu under the control panel.  
8. Using with Desktop Phones  
The MV900 includes analog mode. It is designed to connect the  
handset of a desktop phone through an optional adapter  
telephone to be used as an external speakerphone.  
9. Using as a Bluetooth Speakerphone with Cell Phones  
You will need to first pair the MV900 to your Cell phone before you can use  
the MV900 as a Bluetooth speakerphone.  
1) Pair with a Bluetooth Cell phone  
Note: After MV900 is turned on, the MV900 will voice prompt “Connecting” then try to connect  
to the last Cell phone paired. If the previous paired Cell phone cannot be found or MV900 has not  
been paired before, the MV900 will voice prompt “Cell phone not available.  
To start, press and hold the mute button until the white LED is lit solid and you  
will hear the MV900 beep twice. The MV900 is now in Pairing Mode.  
Follow the Bluetooth connection instructions on your Cell phone to pair with the  
MV900. When your Cell phone asks for the password enter1234as the device  
password. If the pairing is successful you will hear the voice promptBluetooth  
Pairedfrom the MV900. You will need to pair your Cell phone once. Please see  
your Cell phone User Manual for detailed instructions on Bluetooth Pairing.  
Press in and hold  
2) Connect MV900 to your Cell Phone  
You can start your connection with a paired Cell Phone or the MV900. It is  
recommended that you activate your connection through the MV900.  
Press and release the Talk Button on MV900 and you will hearConnecting.  
10. Operations in Bluetooth mode  
Receiving a call  
Rejecting a call  
Hang up a call  
Transfer call to handset  
Press and release talk button  
Press and release the mute button  
Press and release talk button  
Press in volume switch (mute LED lights up), then  
press talk button to transfer call to the Cell Phone  
Transfer call to speakerphone  
Press talk button to transfer call to the MV900  
1) Receive and reject an incoming call  
When you have an incoming call you will hear the voice promptIncoming Call  
(012) 345-6789. Press and release the Talk Button to receive the incoming call or  
press and release the mute button to reject the call.  
2) Hang up a call  
To terminate a call you will need to press and release the Talk Button while the  
call is in progress.When the call has ended you will hear the voice prompt say  
“Call Terminated.  
3) Transfer a call from or to Cell Phone  
If you need privacy while on call with the MV900 you can transfer your call to  
your handset by pressing in on the Volume Switch (mute LED will light up) then  
press the Talk Button on the MV900 to transfer the call.  
If your Cellphone is a flip phone, make sure to open the phone first before  
transferring. If the phone is closed, your call will hang up when you transfer  
the call.  
To transfer calls from your handset to the MV900, press the Talk Button on  
the MV900.  
11. Using the Voice Command Recognition and Voice Keypad (VKP)  
To get into the voice command recognition mode, press and release the  
Talk Button, wait for the voice promptPlease Say Command.Proceed by  
saying one of the following commands.  
Voice Commands Supported  
Command Description  
Dial Home number stored in memory  
Dial Work number stored in memory  
Dial Home voicemail stored in memory  
Dial Work voicemail stored in memory  
Dial Cell phone voicemail stored in memory  
Dial last number (Redial)  
Voicemail Home  
Voicemail Work  
Voicemail Cell phone  
Last Call  
Setup menu  
Enter setup menu  
Cell phone name dialing  
Dial number  
Activate Cell phone voice dialing  
Dial by using voice keypad  
Speed dial One  
Speed dial Two  
Speed dial Three  
Speed dial Four  
Speed dial Five  
Speed dial Six  
Speed dial Seven  
Speed dial Eight  
Speed dial Nine  
Memory One  
Memory Two  
Memory Three  
Memory Four  
Memory Five  
Memory Six  
Dial speed dial one on the Cell phone  
Dial speed dial two on the Cell phone  
Dial speed dial three on the Cell phone  
Dial speed dial four on the Cell phone  
Dial speed dial five on the Cell phone  
Dial speed dial six on the Cell phone  
Dial speed dial seven on the Cell phone  
Dial speed dial eight on the Cell phone  
Dial speed dial nine on the Cell phone  
Dial memory one number stored in memory  
Dial memory two number stored in memory  
Dial memory three number stored in memory  
Dial memory four number stored in memory  
Dial memory five number stored in memory  
Dial memory six number stored in memory  
Dial memory seven number stored in memory  
Dial memory eight number stored in memory  
Dial memory nine number stored in memory  
Memory Seven  
Memory Eight  
Memory Nine  
Note: “Home,“Work,“Voicemail Home,Work or Cell Phone, and “Memory 1 through 9” require  
users to set up the number in the setup menu first. Please refer to the setup menu section for  
information on how to enter number.  
Tips for using the Voice Recognition and Voice Keypad  
• Say the command after you have heard the beep  
• Say command or the numbers by speaking naturally. Avoid speaking too loud,  
too close to the microphone, or speaking too slow.  
• Always sayzerofor 0. Do not useoh.  
• You can press the Talk Button to cancel any commands to start things over.  
1) Using Home,Work,Voicemail, Memory  
Press and release the Talk Button and say the command you would like to call.  
When you use Memory sayMemory X, X being 1-9.  
2) Voice Keypad Dialing  
You can use the MV900 to dial the phone number.To use the Voice Keypad press  
and release the Talk Button wait for the voice prompt and sayDial Number,  
now say the phone number you would like to dial.  
3) Cell Phone Name Dialing  
Follow your Cell Phone’s user manual to set up names or phone numbers on your  
Cell Phone. Press and release the Talk Button and sayCell phone Name Dialing”  
and now say the name you want to call.You can also press and hold the Talk  
Button; you will hear the voice promptCell Phone Name Dialing.  
4) Speed Dial  
To use Speed Dial press and release the Talk Button saySpeed Dial X,  
X being 1-9.  
Note: Speed Dial only works when you have setup Speed Dial on your Cell Phone.  
5) Last Call  
You can redial the last phone number. Press and release the Talk Button on  
the MV900 and sayLast Call, you will hear the voice prompt sayLast Call.  
6) Group Number Dialing  
Group number dialing will allow you to break up the telephone number into  
several groups to enter into the MV900. This is especially useful when using a  
calling card, or making long distance or international calls.  
After each group of numbers entered, the MV900 will voice promptFinish?” If  
the user repliesYes, the MV900 will dial the number that was confirmed. If the  
user repliesNo, the MV900 will beep, and then the user can say the next  
group of numbers. This process can be repeated until all the numbers have  
been entered.  
Below is an example that shows you how to use this method to call any number.  
MV900 Voice Prompt  
Say Number  
“Dial Number”  
866, Finish?  
Say Number  
5553830, Finish?  
If the MV900 did not recognize the numbers correctly or the user did not reply  
in time or the MV900 did not recognize the confirmation command, the MV900  
will assume yes then voice promptsFinish?” In order for the user to re-enter the  
group of incorrect numbers, he or she can sayRepeatto go back and input the  
numbers again. Another alternative is to sayCanceland start over.  
7) Entering Touch Tone Numbers  
After your call is connected or during an active call, you may need to dial  
extension, first press and hold the Talk button and make sure that you hold the  
talk button until you hear the voice promptSay Extension Number, release  
the talk button and say the extension numbers.  
Confirmation Commands Supported  
Command Description  
Repeat or re-enter numbers, enter more  
numbers after the voice prompts saysFinish?”  
Cancel and exit  
Enter extension (only available after entering  
numbers by using Voice Keypad)  
Repeat or re-enter numbers after the voice prompt  
Voice Keypad (VKP)  
Keypad Description  
Number zero (Note: please sayzerosince the  
program will only recognizezero”)  
Number one  
Number two  
Number three  
Number four  
Number five  
Number six  
Number seven  
Number eight  
Number nine  
12. Setup Menu  
The MV900 provides memory slots to use the Voice Command Dialing.  
Below is the list of the memory slots:  
Number Type Commands in Setup Menu  
Command Description  
To input home number into the memory  
To input work number into the memory  
Voicemail Home  
Voicemail Work  
Voicemail Cell phone  
Memory One  
Memory Two  
Memory Three  
Memory Four  
Memory Five  
Memory Six  
To input home voicemail number into the memory  
To input work voicemail number into the memory  
To input Cell Phone voicemail number into the memory  
To input memory one number into the memory  
To input memory two number into the memory  
To input memory three number into the memory  
To input memory four number into the memory  
To input memory five number into the memory  
To input memory six number into the memory  
To input memory seven number into the memory  
To input memory eight number into the memory  
To input memory nine number into the memory  
Memory Seven  
Memory Eight  
Memory Nine  
Note: Each number can be stored with an extension.  
To input the number into memory you need to follow theses steps:  
1) If the MV900 is not connected to your Cell phone, you can press and hold both the  
Mute button and Talk button at the same time until you hearSetup Menu. If the MV900  
is connected to your Cell phone, you can press and release the Talk Button. Wait for  
the voice promptPlease say command, then saySetup menu.The MV900 will voice  
promptSetup Menu.  
2) Say the memory slot’s name, for example,“Home. If there is already a number stored  
in this memory slot you will hear the voice prompt say the number. SayYesto keep this  
number,“Eraseto erase this number, orNoto enter new number. If there is no number  
in the memory slot, the MV900 will ask you to enter a new number.  
3) After you hear voice promptSay Numberand the sound of a high pitched tone, say  
the number you would like to enter.You will hear the number you’ve just said, then a  
voice prompt sayingFinish?”  
Note: There is also a 10 second activity timer. If there’s no activity, the device will exit the setup  
menu. If there is an incoming call, first exit the setup menu, then follow the incoming call routine.  
Below are the steps to the ‘Caller IDsetting.The same procedures are used for  
‘Promptand ‘Power-Save.  
Press and release the Talk Button, saySetup Menu, then sayCaller ID. MV900  
will prompt the current mode (ON or OFF). If you sayYes, the MV900 will keep  
the current settings and the voice prompt will repeatSet Up. If you sayNo, the  
MV900 will toggle and prompt next option. When you have heard the one you  
want, sayYesto save.  
Setup Option Commands in Setup Menu  
Voice prompt announcement for an easier operation  
No voice prompt for a faster operation. Recommend for  
experienced users after becoming familiar with all commands.  
Caller ID  
Says the Caller ID for all incoming calls  
Does not say the Caller ID for incoming calls  
Power-Save ON  
Enable the power save mode while in Bluetooth (This might  
create connection lost issue since many Bluetooth phones  
do not support this mode)  
Disable the power saved mode, this will guarantee Bluetooth  
connection. Factory setting is set to OFF.  
Table for numbers stored in MV900’s memory  
Number Type  
Voicemail Home  
Voicemail Work  
Voicemail Cell Phone  
Memory 1  
Memory 2  
Memory 3  
Memory 4  
Memory 5  
Memory 6  
Memory 7  
Memory 8  
Memory 9  
13. Regulatory Information  
This product was tested and complies with the limits for a Class B digital device  
under Part 15 of the U.S. Federal Communications Commission (FCC) rules,  
and is subject to these conditions: It may not cause harmful interference and  
must accept any interference received, including any that causes undesired  
operation.These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against  
harmful interference in a residential installation.This equipment generates,  
uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used  
in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to  
radio communications.  
14. Limited Warranty  
mVox Electronics, Inc. warrants the mVox MV900 to be free of defects for a  
period of 1 year from the date of purchase. In the event of a defect in material  
or workmanship during the warranty period, mVox, at its discretion, will repair or  
replace the defective product.  
The remedy for this breach of warranty is limited to servicing or replacement  
only and shall not cover any other damages, including but not limited to the loss  
of profit, special incident, consequential, and other similar claims. In no event will  
mVox be liable for any amount greater than the currently suggested retail price.  
For Tech Support 1-866-811-3830  
©2005, mVox Electronics, Inc.  

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